Rebuild Cobargo Project

In June 2021, the CCDC was successful in being awarded a BLERF grant of circa $20 million, through two rounds of funding, under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund. The grant funding is for the Rebuild Cobargo Project, to rebuild a large section of the main street of Cobargo village that was razed to the ground in the Black Summer Bushfire Disaster of 2019/2020.

The REBUILD COBARGO BUSHFIRE RECOVERY PROJECT will offer new retail spaces for businesses, artisan traders, and specialist shops, as well as a wellness hub for health practitioners and a co-working space for entrepreneurs. A new post office, a Regional Visitor Information Centre, and a spacious market hall courtyard for local events and market days will also be part of the transformation. To top it off, five new rental apartments will provide affordable housing for locals. Funded by the Federal and NSW Government Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund, construction began in 2022, with completion expected by late 2025. This project is about more than just rebuilding—it’s about creating a thriving community space for generations to come.

The Project comprises 3 seperate buildings; the “Village Square", “Market Hall” and “New Post Office”. 

Design and Architectural Plans for the 3 buildings can be dowloaded here:

A general overview of the 3 buildings is detailed below.

Village Square

The Village Square building will include; a Regional Tourist Information Centre; a Co-Working facility; a Health Hub focused on delivering allied and complementary health practitioner service to the village; 4 x tourism oriented retail shops and 2 x two bedroom apartments on the upper level. Architectural Plans Village Square

Market Hall

The Market Hall building will include; a hospitality training cafe; an open market space operating as a food co-operative business to promote regional produce, four retail spaces and 2 x two bedroom apartments on the upper level. Architectural Plans Market Hall

New Post Office

New Post Office facility with enhanced capacity to effectively service the communities needs into the future, 1 x one bedroom apartment above. Architectural Plans New Post Office